what we offer

Cyber Security

Comprehensive visibility and protection across critical areas of risk. A single pane of glass, savings, and automation.

Email Protection

Identify & block advanced phishing via email. Anti-phishing, Malware/Ransomware protection, data loss protection.

Cloud Application Protection

Malware/Ransomware protection, access control, file sharing control, suspicious behavior detection.

Insider Threats

Identify abnormal usage patterns and automatically block access to cloud. .applications

Endpoint Protection

Protect your laptop, tablet & smart phone from malware/ransomware, device vulnerability, & Wi-Fi attacks.

Data Protection

Automatic identification of regulatory violations (GDPR, HIPAA, PCI, CCPA) and prevention of sensitive Endpoint Protection data leakage.

Users Protection

We alert you, and tell you what to do next – giving you all the information to guide you through meaningful actions!

Identity Management

Ensure that your staff or students are only accessing approved sites and content while online with devices your organization issues and manages.

Content Filtering

Working with the leading Identity Management providers for; identifying, authenticating, and authorizing users to access systems, networks, or applications.

Security Awareness Training

Meet industry compliance regulations and educate your employees to stay one step ahead of cyber risk with our Security Awareness Training.

  • Scan every device, email and file stored in your cloud apps for malware and ransomware (cloud apps include Microsoft 365, Google Workspace, Dropbox, Salesforce, and others)
  • Automatic quarantine of malware and ransomware
  • With 1-click resolve™, you can inspect quarantined files and decide on automatic actions (e.g. delete, restore)
  • Malware and ransomware actions will automatically be executed on your devices, emails and cloud applications

We include the most extensive protection against phishing:

  • Identify and block advanced phishing attempts via email
  • Identify and block WiFi phishing when a device tries to connect to public networks (i.e. evil twins, fake networks, etc.)
  • Identify and block phishing attempts via cloud applications (i.e. share requests, access requests, and others)
  • Define from where users can access your cloud applications such as Microsoft 365, Google Workspace, Salesforce, and others
  • Block devices with bad security posture (e.g. no firewall active, no disk encryption) from accessing your cloud applications
  • Identify abnormal login patterns and block hacking attempts automatically
  • Identify abnormal usage patterns and automatically block access to cloud applications
  • Identify abnormal admin activity and block the relevant accounts
  • Identify dormant accounts that become active and prevent malicious activities
  • Identify abnormal download patterns and block those activities
  • Automatically scan all files and emails for regulatory data such as PII/PCI/PHI information
  • Identify leakage of PII/PCI/PHI information
  • Easy inspection of content, simple actions to resolve issues
  • Automatically scan all files and emails for regulatory data such as PII/PCI/PHI information
  • Identify leakage of PII/PCI/PHI information
  • Easy inspection of content, simple actions to resolve issues